Camping and outdoor gear can massively vary in terms of quality and price, though you generally tend to get what you pay for. And while it’s true that premium gear typically comes at a premium price, there are a few annual sales each year that allow hikers, campers, off-roaders, and other off-grid adventurers and outdoor enthusiasts to get their hands on the latest and greatest kit at a reduced price. Now currently in full swing, one such event is Amazon’s Prime Day sale, which sees a slew of our favorite pieces of camping and outdoor gear significantly marked down. From recently-unveiled new releases to tried and true essentials, we’ve rounded up our favorite outdoor and camping gear from this year’s ongoing Amazon Prime Day sale.
Stanley Legendary Classic Flask

Being offered at nearly a quarter off, the Stanley Legendary Classic Flask is an 8oz vessel that’s crafted from rugged 18/8 stainless steel with a hammertone green finish. Be it for everyday carry or outdoor use, the Stanley Legendary Classic is a fantastic flask.
LifeStraw Peak Series Filter

Unveiled in the Spring of last year, the LifeStraw Peak Series Filter is the brand’s latest, greatest, and most advanced pocketable survival filter, with the ability to rid water of 99.999999% of bacteria for a whopping 1,000 gallons.
Sea to Summit Lightweight Dry Sack

Currently marked down by 25%, the Sea to Summit Lightweight Dry Sack is a lightweight carry solution offering 35 liters of completely waterproof storage space thanks to a PU-coated 70-denier nylon construction with tape-sealed seams and a D-ring-equipped Hypalon roll-top closure.
YETI Rambler 30oz Tumbler

Prized by commuters and campers alike, the YETI Rambler 30oz Tumbler is a vacuum-insulated 18/8 stainless steel travel mug that sports a 30oz capacity, a rugged Duracoat finish, and a MagSlider Lid.

Compatible with the brand’s standard 20-volt batteries, the DEWALT 20V MAX LED Work Light is a rugged and portable 160-lumen light source that features a 360-degree-pivoting head, as well as built-in magnets, a belt hook, a kickstand, and a hanger that collectively afford the light a huge variety of mounting and carrying options.
Purewell Water Purifier Pump

Equipped with a replaceable 0.01-micron carbon filter, a medical-grade hollow fiber UF membrane, a coconut shell-activated carbon rod, and a medical-grade PP cotton filter, the Purewell Water Purifier Pump is a four-stage outdoor water purification system with a 58oz-per-minute flow rate and a 793-gallon lifespan before it needs its filters replaced.
Hydro Flask Wide Mouth W/ Straw Lid

Another one of the most popular vacuum-insulated water bottles for both outdoor and EDC use, the Hydro Flask Wide Mouth Straw Lid bottle is a premium vessel that’s offered in a trio of sizes across over a dozen colors.
Magpul Patrol Glove 2.0 Gloves

Offering the perfect blend of dexterity and protection, the Magpul Patrol Glove 2.0 is a pair of tactical, lightweight, leather mitts that feature closed-cell foam-padded knuckles, corded nylon protection on the back of the hands, goatskin leather palms, touchscreen compatible thumbs, and Magpul’s signature Gun Gusset setup between the thumbs and forefingers.
Streamlight 88082 ProTac 2L-X Flashlight

Currently being offered at more than half-off, the Streamlight 88082 ProTac 2L-X is a tactical torch that packs a trio of user modes, a 500-lumen output, a tactical tail switch, a more than 540’ throw, and a maximum output of 500 lumens — all in a rugged IPX7-rated anodized aluminum housing.
COAST HP3R Penlight

Backed by a lifetime warranty, the COAST HP3R is an ultra-potent, highly-pocketable (2x( AAA battery-powered penlight that boasts a twist-focus lens, a quick-cycle tail switch, a 500-lumen output, and a 360’ throw. This impressive EDC and outdoor item is currently marked down by nearly 50%, too.
Coleman Sundome Camping Tent

Marked down for Amazon’s Prime Day by 30%, the Coleman Sundome is a minimalistic two-person tent that’s been rated to withstand wind speeds of up to 35mph.
Igloo Heavy-Duty BMX Coolers

For this Summer’s Amazon Prime Day sale, a selection of Igloo’s most popular hard coolers are being offered at a discounted price of at least 30% off, including its 25, 52, and 72-quart Heavy-Duty BMX ice chest models.
LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis

Offered in multiple color options — and currently offered at 20% off — the LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis is an ultra-sleek water bottle that features built-in self-cleaning capabilities with the power to eliminate 99.8% of bacteria thanks to an onboard UV-C LED-based purification system.
KingCamp Aluminum Folding Camp Table

Constructed around a folding steel frame and capped off with an aluminum top, the KingCamp Folding Camp Table weighs in at around 14lbs yet can handle loads of over 175lbs. Currently marked down by 30%, this go-anywhere table is sold with an included carrying case.
Sierra Designs Frontcountry Bed 20

Offering the comfort of at-home bedding when off-grid, the Sierra Designs Frontcountry Bed 20 is an advanced zipperless synthetic sleeping bag that achieves a 20° rating thanks to SierraLoft synthetic insulation stuffed in a 30-denier poly ripstop exterior that’s also been fitted with a cozy 68-denier poly-taffeta liner.
Bushnell Night Vision Equinox Z2 Monocular

Being sold at more than half off, the Bushnell Night Vision Equinox Z2 Monocular features a 6x-magnification 50-millimeter objective lens paired with a built-in infrared illuminator that together enable its user to capture 1080p video from over 1,000’ away.
OneTigris Rock Fortress Hot Tent

Offering incredible value, the OneTigris Rock Fortress Hot Tent is a four-season shelter that’s comprised of an aluminum pole-set draped in a coated 70-denier nylon fabric with an impressive 3,000mm waterproof rating
Solo Stove Bonfire 2.0

A second-generation product currently marked down by nearly 30%, the Solo Stove Bonfire 2.0 is a freestanding smokeless fire pit and wood-burning fireplace that now comes with a removable ash pan.
Pelican 1650 Hard Case W/ Foam

Being sold for 20% off for Prime Day, the Pelican 1650 Hard Case offers 3.08 cubic feet of absolutely bulletproof, crushproof, and waterproof storage that can easily be custom-configured using this item’s included multi-layer Pick N’Pluck foam setup.
DJI Mini 3 Pro Drone

With a weight of less than 250 grams, a highly-compact foldable form, and up to 47 minutes of flight time, the DJI Mini 3 Pro Drone is a fantastic choice for capturing footage while off-grid — plus is currently being sold at a nearly 25% off discount.
WINDEK SUBLUE Navbow Smart Underwater Scooter

Equipped with an OLED display and an hour of battery life, the WINDEK SUBLUE Navbow Smart Underwater Scooter allows its user to travel beneath the waves at speeds of up to 4.47mph — the same velocity that the men’s 200m freestyle world champion swims at.
ALL-TOP 3-Person Rooftop Tent

Even at its regular MSRP, the ALL-TOP 3-Person Rooftop Tent offers much greater bang for your buck than RTTs from brands like iKamper, though for Amazon’s Prime Day sale, this three-person shelter has been marked down to just a tad over a grand — representing a very discount of 26%.
The 100+ Best Amazon Prime Day Deals

Interested in checking out some additional steals and bargains that aren’t limited to just outdoor gear? Then be sure to check out all of our favorite Amazon gear deals.