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Oru Touts Its New Lake as the Lightest & Simplest Foldable Kayak of Its Kind

Oru Kayak is a decade-old company that got its humble start in the Bay Area, and it’s wasted little time in establishing itself as the market leader in foldable kayaks. The brand’s just-unveiled Oru Lake is a lightweight, foldable kayak that is guaranteed to make your next lakeside outing remarkably easy.

With an assembly time of under 2 minutes, the 9’ x 32” Lake merely consists of 2 distinct parts: a sheet of sturdy polypropylene to compose the deck and hull, and a memory foam seat-equipped foldable floorboard. Weighing 18 pounds total, Oru claims that the Lake is 10% lighter than the brand’s folding Inlet, managing to outdo itself en route to heralding the new release as the world’s lightest inflatable kayak. Additionally, any buyers can conveniently stow the Lake in the brand’s Inlet backpack.

As far as comfort is concerned, Oru has got you covered, rounding the Lake out with a spacious, open cockpit for easy-going accessibility. Another noteworthy element is the Lake’s origami-inspired composition, as its unique, sharp edges effortlessly evoke the Japanese practice. However, it might be even easier to pull off folding this boat than it would be to fold a piece of paper, given the thought Oru has put into its user-friendliness.

To no surprise, Oru Kayak has managed to smash the Lake kayak’s Kickstarter goal with over a month to go, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. The Oru Lake Kayak can be yours starting from just $499 on the project’s Kickstarter page, with the future retail price expected to be set at $699.

Kickstarter: $499+

Photo: Oru Kayak