Few brands do cold weather outdoor gear like Arc’Teryx. That said, the Canadian firm also understands that withstanding low-temp conditions can also be fun and relaxing if given the proper accouterments, which is why it established the sub-label System_A.

As part of the fourth installment since it debuted last year, System_A and Arc’Teryx have unveiled the ReBird Down Blanket, inspired by the world of bouldering popular in the Utah mountains. Able to pack away into its own pocket, the blanket is also equipped with a snap button on the corner for use as a poncho. Weighing just 14.3oz, the blanket taps the brand’s super-lightweight and soft 7D Arato fabric for coziness. Treated with DWR, the material is insulated with 850-fill recycled bird down that’s been reinforced with synthetic down for better water resistance in certain areas.

Where many other recycled down systems are well-intentioned, if not commendable, Arc’Teryx’s ReBird program is top-shelf, inviting consumers to send in their old threads to be upcycled for use in future products.

Available in gray, white, and mauve, the ReBird Down Blanket is up for sale on Arc’Teryx’s website for $550.