As if we haven’t said this enough: everyday carry gear should be exceedingly personal to each individual user. As such, these tools can function as a reflection of your personal desires, needs, and (of course) hobbies. In the case of this week’s pocket dump, we wanted to take a dive into the world of beer fanatics. If you’re really serious about your dedication to mankind’s oldest alcoholic beverage, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll want to chart your tasting journey. In that case, this complement of pocketable tools and ephemera should serve you brilliantly. So, cheers to your alcohol-related endeavors, and bottoms up!
Word Notebooks The Beer Log
Constructed to adhere to the same size and shape standards as the rest of the brand’s USA-made offerings, this particular pocket notebook from Word is actually internally formatted specifically for keeping track of your beer tasting notes. Each of its 48 pages has space for a trio of different brews and spots to scrawl down their names, breweries, style, ABV, rating, and more. Plus they come in a pack of three, making these a must-have accessory for beer lovers.
Fisher Space Pen Bullet
If you’re going to go to the trouble of hauling around a beer tasting notebook, you’re also going to need some way to write in it. That’s where the Fisher Space Pen Bullet comes into play. This ultra-compact pocketable writing utensil expands into a full-sized, perfectly-balanced EDC pen. Plus, it can write upsidedown, underwater, or in zero gravity — meaning it can stand up to minor spills here on Earth or up in a NASA spacecraft.
Handgrey HG Titanium Carabiner
Carabiner keychains are an excellent way to free up pocket space and keep all your keys and keychain tools organized and quickly accessible. But this one from Handgrey has a lot of other features that help elevate it above the competition. For starters, it’s crafted from solid titanium — making it ultra-durable and lightweight. It also has an integrated bottle opener, meaning you can use it to crack open those beers with easy no matter where you are.
BACtrack Trace Breathalyzer
Having a few beers is all well and good, but there is a responsibility that comes along with inebriation. As such, it might be a good idea to haul around this pocket breathalyzer. That way, no matter where you are, you can be absolutely certain you don’t get behind the wheel if you’ve had a few too many. After all, the risks of drinking and driving are no joke — ranging from thousands of dollars in fees to jail time, to manslaughter, and more. Better safe than sorry.