For decades, Nintendo has set the benchmark for handheld gaming. From their emblematic Game & Watch to their ridiculously desired Switch, the company will now look to the former with yet another attempt to appease gamers of long ago. Following their success with the relatively recent Mario-based spin on the classic console, Nintendo has moved on to another legendary series of theirs with Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda, in commemoration of the original game’s 35th anniversary.
Featuring a trio of classic installments from yesteryear, this brand new vintage console grants players the opportunity to enjoy The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventures of Link, and The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, all over again. Additionally, the Game & Watch comes pre-installed with another staple of its time, Vermin, with Mr. Game & Watch and a collection of moles being replaced by Link and a band of Octorocks. It is the minute details like these that have often assisted in pleasing Nintendo’s fans by taking things one step forward, even if it is a step as small as this. With immense lore clouding The Legend of Zelda as a whole, the company’s latest release is sure to please countless fans.
While many are still gasping for air in anticipation of Breath of the Wild 2, fans of the illustrious series now get another chance to take a look back at Link’s roots. At a humble $50, you can add the Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda to your list of other consoles to try buying this winter.