Outdoor gear has permeated nearly every culture and subculture in the fashion industry, leading to some unique designs from labels that may usually stick to their guns. New Balance may be known for its casual sneakers, but they’re more than capable of creating a pair of outdoor runners. District Vision is another label not often associated with hiking (but an undisputable legend in the running scene), and the duo have teamed up to deliver a collection of outdoor and trail-focused gear.

The clear stars of this drop are the Fresh Foam x More Trail shoes and the Nagata Speed Blade sunglasses. For the shoes, the team at District Vision is offering their take on New Balance’s beefy trail runners, featuring a rugged Vibram outsole, that chunky, tire-inspired midsole, and a duo of new earth-tone colorways. On the other hand, the Japanese-made Nagata Speed Blades get the New Balance treatment, resulting in a single-lens pair of streamlined sunglasses coming in goji red or silver.

While the glasses and shoes are definitely cool, this collection features four pieces of apparel that are also designed with outdoor performance (and sustainability) in mind. Made entirely of recycled nylon, the Hooded Wind Jacket offers waterproof wind resistance in a lightweight package and can be packed away into its own back pocket). The short-sleeved shirt is made of 135gsm French-milled stretch fabric to make for a soft and light layer, keeping odor and moisture at bay at the same time. As for the pants, you can choose between the trail shorts, which combine a pair of half tights and a customizable fit, or the half tights on their own.

The District Vision and New Balance Team collection, including the Fresh Foam x More Trail shoes ($180), Hooded Wind Jacket ($295), Lightweight Short Sleeve ($140), Pocketed Trail Shorts ($180), and Recycled Half Tights ($150), is available now starting at $150. You can sign up to pre-order The Nagata Speed Blade sunglasses ($315), which are slated to drop in February 2024.