Hiking boots are tough to shop for. Unlike running shoes or basketball shoes, which can be field-tested at your local gym, hiking boots need to be taken out on a trail and experience the extremes that you and your body may endure on your next excursion. The trouble is, since you’re often miles from your car (or cell service), this is a test you’d be afraid to fail.
Terrein Footwear is a new brand that makes advancements in foot and ankle safety when traversing steep inclines or rocky landscapes. The company’s eponymous hiking boot features adaptive ankle protection thanks to the patented Betterguards technology that prevents the type of twists and turns that cause injury, reacting three times faster than what your body is capable of, locking up your ankle and stopping you from making it worse. But don’t fear, the pistons inside won’t kick in until they’re needed. Prior to that, you’ll have a free natural range of motion so you can enjoy your hike.
Fortunately, Terrein boots are built in such a way that your ankle may never have to test out the tech in the first place. The proprietary outsole is made for gripping trails, whether going up or downhill. Comfortable just as they are functional, the shoes are also built with cushioned midsoles that absorb and return energy with the best of them. Unlike a lot of closed hiking boots that are water-resistant, the Terrein manages to repel liquid while also providing unbelievable breathability in the process.
Terrein’s main objective is to take away any apprehensions when you’re out hiking and remove any doubt about what you can and can’t do on the trails. While a release date for the piston-equipped hiking boots has not yet been announced, you can sign-up for updates on Terrein’s website to be notified on pricing and availability.