Fairly simple and straightforward, our modern-day water bottles are also quite flawed. Aiming to make not only the best beverage flask but the most versatile, Ebite has developed the Modular Bottle.

A sum of its parts, the Modular Bottle takes the traditional vessels we’re accustomed to and tweaks things here and there until it’s perfected the blueprint. First, let’s start with the body, which features a borosilicate glass interior for easy cleanup, safer drinking, and longevity. Yet, unlike most glass thermoses, which can’t keep liquids hot or cold, the glass on this flask is reinforced by an insulated exterior layer that’s translucent so you can still see inside.

Fully customizable with several add-ons, the Modular Bottle has swappable lids that include a simple flat sipping cap for everyday home or office use, a classic cap for easy travel and storage, a sports cap, and a stylish “industrial cap.” However, the highlight may be the infusion add-ons, which allow you to either infuse your water with fruit or make loose-leaf tea. Additionally, there’s a secret compartment on the bottom where you can keep anything from a handful of your favorite snack to protein powder.

Available in both 17.5oz and 25oz versions, the Modular Bottle is now being funded on Kickstarter until January 8, with Early Bird prices starting at $69.