Finding the best outdoor gear on a budget can be tricky. Although you don’t want to sacrifice performance when heading out into the wilderness, there are certain brands out there that specialize in providing quality gear at fair prices. On the other hand, certain products are inherently affordable while providing something unique in the process. If you have a lot of outdoorsmen to shop for this holiday season and a small bankroll at your disposal, check out our guide to the best outdoor gifts under $50.

AeroPress Go Travel Coffee Press
Few innovations in the coffee world have been as groundbreaking and crucial to outdoor living as the AeroPress, a French press-like unit that uses a plunging technique to make brewed coffee in a minute or less while removing the grit and bitterness from a standard press coffee. Made for super-easy cleanup, the Go Travel version is a little bit smaller and comes with a carrying case and drinking mug.

Stoked Goods Stoke Lip & Face Balm
Anyone who’s traversed the wilderness in windy conditions will tell you that it’s not just your lips that get chapped. Stoked Goods’ all-natural, high-quality balm for your lips is impressive enough, but it also comes along with a larger-sized stick that’s safe for applying to your cheeks.

Rite in the Rain On-the-Go Notebooks (6 Pack)
Rite in the Rain makes waterproof notepads and stationery tailor-made for surviving the outdoors. Recently it released its tiniest pads yet, the 3.375″ x 2″ On-the-Go Notebooks. Smaller than an average business card, these staple books can fit inside your wallet when inspiration strikes in nature.

Tree Free Fire Portable Campfire
Log campfires are unparalleled, but some of us may want to evade the smoke in our eyes and the smell on our clothing. For that, get yourself Tree Free Fire’s Portable Campfire, which features the dancing flame aesthetic without the use of wood. Instead, the briquettes are made of wax and peat moss.

59 Illustrated National Parks Book 100th Anniversary of the NPS
To honor 100 years of the National Park Service a few years back, Anderson Design Group came out with a beautiful coffee table book that lets you travel to 59 of our nation’s parks from your own home. The publication features original artwork with some essential information on the opposite pages.

Lantern Press Mushrooms Artist Puzzle
We learn at a young age that not all mushrooms are edible. To help you study for your next outdoor adventure, get this 1,000-piece Mushrooms puzzle from Lantern Press, featuring a reference to dozens of caps on glare-free matte paper. The puzzle also comes with a matching 15”x11” poster for your wall.

Build Your Own VSSL Outdoor Kit
VSSL is known for its incredibly handy and compact adventure kits, from first aid to fishing to repair, and everything in between. Earlier this year, the brand launched its Build Your Own program, allowing outdoorsmen to curate their own VSSL tubes to be as versatile or specific as they’d like.

Outdoor Research Alpine Fleece Balaclava
Hiking and adventuring during the colder months can have their advantages. For one, a certain beauty and charm show up in nature when it’s blanketed by clouds. However, in order to head outside, you’ll need to bundle up well. This Alpine Fleece Balaclava from Outdoor Research is made from a soft windproof blend of nylon and polyester, with silicone goggle grips for use in the snow.

The North Face Base Camp Travel Canister
Not just designed with an attractive aesthetic, this travel bag from The North Face is also incredibly durable thanks to the 300D recycled polyester laminated with PVC. A compact version of the brand’s Base Camp Duffel, this Travel Canister is perfect for outdoor adventures with an internal hook for easy hanging and external loops for attaching extra gear.

Nite Ize Radiant 314 Rechargeable Lantern
A reliable lantern is crucial for any overnight trip. Nite Ize’s Radiant 314 model is rechargeable and features four light modes at 314 lumens and up to 96 hours of use. So the glare doesn’t encroach on your nighttime activities, a built-in diffuser softens the white light. What’s more, it doubles as a USB charging port for mobile devices.

Gerber Gear Truss Multitool
Gerber has become revered in the knife world for its long-lasting, budget-friendly products. Stretching just 4.35” when closed, this mil-spec Truss Multitool is MOLLE compatible and features 17 unique tools such as straight- and serrated-edge blades, spring-loaded needle nose pliers, scissors, four screwdrivers, wire cutters, a saw, and a ruler.