Gaming keyboards haven’t necessarily been done to death, but we’ve rarely seen much significant innovation this year to deem them as striking as they used to be. And while RGB lights are still quintessential for most PC players, a game-changing new option has just been revealed by Finalmouse. Introducing Centerpiece, a monitor-equipped keyboard developed using Unreal Engine 5.

Seamless, top-of-the-line interactivity is the meat and potatoes as far as this new piece of equipment goes. Moreover, the Centerpiece practically serves as its own mini-game, allowing you to shoo away fish or whisk through amoebas using your finger. You can even customize the backdrop so that each key combusts upon pressing it — not literally, of course. This is all because of its unique functional full-color screen and the unrivaled technological prowess offered by Unreal’s latest engine.

Additionally, the brand claims that the Centerpiece offers transcendent typing acoustics, going on to say they have been described as “soft marble raindrops.” Knowing gamers and their affinity for click-clacking keyboards, this is one element that they are bound to appreciate, and it is put to the test in the reveal video. Above all else, the gadgeteer writes that the keyboard is “completely gamer proof,” proving that not even the most severe rage quit session can hold a candle to its rugged, anodized aluminum case.
Finalmouse’s mesmerizing Centerpiece keyboard will be available in early 2023 for $349.