No matter how great your cellular provider claims your latest smartphone’s camera is, it often isn’t quite as good as they make it out to be. To reduce blurry, half-lit photos when trying to capture those nighttime moments, Duovox has unveiled its mighty Mate Pro, a true-color night vision camera that looks to do away with poor lighting no matter what time it is.
Boasting up to 512 gigs of storage and 4 hours of battery life, this powerful gadget is built to last through all your late-night ventures. In addition to that, its photo quality isn’t too shabby either. Capable of capturing mesmerizing photos with a resolution as high as 3200×1800, DuoVox claims that this is the highest dynamic range in the history of handheld cameras. It also comes equipped with a dimmable 3″ LCD screen for easy usage and staying hidden when necessary — this is a night vision camera, after all.
One of the camera’s most impressive elements is its ability to capture 2K-resolution video using no flash. Whether you’re at a woodsy campsite or atop a metropolitan vista, you can rest assured that you’re nabbing nothing short of envy-inducing footage to save as a memento or spread across your social feeds. The Mate Pro’s unrivaled night vision capabilities — Duovox claims is the world’s most advanced ture-color night vision camera — come courtesy of Sony’s revolutionary image sensing tech, a STARVIS 2 1/1.8” Back-Illuminated CMOS Image Sensor, which is used on the Japanese-bred giant’s own cameras.
Having shattered its Kickstarter goals and garnering rave reviews along the way, Duovox’s high-tech new release is beyond ready to deliver but will take a bit more time to reach your doorstep. The Mate Pro is currently available to order starting from $599 on Kickstarter.