We’re used to seeing innovative product design from adidas, but it typically comes in the form of sneakers or performance gear. On the contrary, the three stripes are showing off their audial know-how with a pair of solar-powered over-ears for a near-endless listening experience. The RPT-02 SOL is a collaboration between adidas and Zound Industries, the latter of which is a consistent collaborator for the German clothier’s technological catalog.
What stands out from this unique set of over-ears is their implementation of Exerger’s proprietary Powerfoyle, a state-of-the-art material that charges the performance-geared headphones in any form of light. Plus, if you find yourself in the dark for too long, they can store up to 80 hours of listening time for future usage. Sound-wise, they boast a dynamic 45mm driver and frequency response range of 20Hz-20kHz.
The IPX4-rated gadget is made extra comfortable with a washable headband and ear cushions that are easy to wash and replaceable if needed. Most importantly, these sustainably-made headphones are produced from at least 51% post-consumer recycled nylon and plastic, deeming them a perfect choice for your ears and the earth.
While these aren’t the first solar-powered headphones we’ve come across, it’s safe to say that we’re bound to see a new trend in the audio world brewing. adidas’ RPT-02 SOL headphones will be available on the brand’s online store starting August 23 for $229, but you can pre-order them today.