Although Oakley’s outdoor and sports gear has been some of the best you can get for nearly 50 years, the label’s retro sunglasses are a clear standout among the lineup. From celebrities to athletes (notably the GOAT Michael Jordan), Oakley’s unique take on sunglasses has resulted in one memorable release after the next. Back in 1998, Jordan rocked one of the most memorable pairs, the MUZM Mars X-Metal Leather glasses, and now Oakley has revived them for a limited time with a premium 3D-printed metal construction.

Like the original model, these sunglasses are made with an X-metal alloy frame and brown leather accents hand-stitched into the frame. This time around, however, Oakley used an advanced direct metal laser sintering 3D printing process to melt and form the X-metal into the frame shape. According to Oakley, “To produce Mars, it took a six-ton generator with 425,000 watts of power to push the five-axis machining that maintained a .0005″ precision to create the out-of-this-world X Metal frame.” Tying it all together, the glasses are fitted with bronze and gold Prizim 24K lenses, reducing glare and enhancing color, and feature Unobtanium ear socks.

Oakley has no shortage of iconic sunglasses, and the MUZM lineup has done a great job at reimagining some of the label’s best work while introducing a younger generation to the styles. The brand has been on a tear these last few years with retro-futuristic releases (like the Eye Jacket Redux shades that dropped last year), and now is the perfect time, too, with the growing interest in reviving Y2K-era fashion.

The Oakley MUZM Mars X-Metal Leather glasses dropped this morning, November 14th, on Oakley’s site (they sold out almost immediately over there, unfortunately). They’ll also be available at Oakley outlets and select retailers, but be sure to set aside some bread if you’re interested, as they’re going for a whopping $2,300 (and only available for a limited time).