While Arc’Teryx has crafted high-end outdoor gear for roughly 30 years, it rarely manages to skimp in the style department, either. The brand’s System_A collection came to shape this past summer, serving as a fashionable bi-seasonal addition highlighted by highly coveted technical garments. Seeing as roughly half a year has passed, it was only a matter of time before the Canadian outfitters unveiled the collection’s second release, and it is finally here.
Last August’s drop featured a couple of pullovers, shirts, and a parka, each of which managed to blend in seamlessly in a mountain or city environment. As expected, Arc’Teryx’s latest release looks to evoke more of that same fluidity. Starting with its Metric Insulated Pullover, which is equipped with raglan sleeves and a zippered pocket on the upper sleeve, all the while boasting optimized Loft breathable insulation courtesy of Octa. The capsule’s Metric Insulated Pant also makes immaculate use of Octa’s insulation tech, as well as Fortius’ Air 20 fabric for additional weather resistance.
The collection also offers a water-repellent hoodie with specs that parallel the previous two garments and an insulated hood, to boot. Lastly, this Winter’s System_A drop is rounded out with a mightily-convenient insulated Metric Neck Gaiter, which is incredibly breathable, lightweight, and tailored to provide an easier trek out on the slopes or a precautious night on the town.
If you’re in the market for some nameworthy, outdoorsy attire, then this is a hard release to gloss over. Arc’Teryx’s latest System_A release is currently available on the brand’s website starting from $60.