Few brands have become more synonymous with their industries as Winnebago has with RVs. The American company’s dynamic range and willingness to innovate have kept them at the forefront of the motorhome world, and now it’s reached one step closer to doing its part to revolutionize its industry.

Following the eRV concept from last year, Winnebago has announced that its follow-up, the all-electric eRV2 prototype, has entered into its final stage of field testing. Using its own 15,000Wh IonBlade lithium house battery system that can be bolstered even more by its 900W of solar capacity, the class C vehicle uses a Ford E-Transit electric chassis and can last up to a week of boondocking or 108 miles of driving.

Operated through the Winnebago Connect app-based system, where you can check manager energy usage and control different onboard features, the eRV2 furthers its dedication to sustainability by using recycled materials for its floorboards and window frames, as well as plant-based materials for the seat coverings.

The electric car revolution is upon us, but that revolution hasn’t quite caught on the same way in the RV world. Perhaps this next step for a brand as big as Winnebago will help propel the industry in that direction. This weekend, Winnebago is presenting the eRV2 at the Florida RV SuperShow in Tampa.