Launched over a decade ago, Hyperlite Mountain Gear has since become one of the most reliable outdoor gear brands around. Aside from its masterful designs and meticulous construction, a big part of the Maine-based firm’s success is its staunch use of Dyneema, an ultralight synthetic fiber that’s often woven into fabric to make it much more durable.
Back in 2017, Hyperlite debuted The Shell, a super-lightweight technical jacket and also the brand’s first foray into the world of apparel. Prior to leaving shelves in 2019, the coat was a hit while it was available, simply for its outdoor performance and reliability. Built with waterproof breathable Dyneema Composite Fabrics WPB as well as eVent materials technology, the coat boasted a 10,000mm waterproof rating and a slim profile.
Well, The Shell has finally returned for a limited run of just 200 pieces, bringing back the same legendary construction and design as before, including the #5 YKK VISLON Aquaguard zipper, helmet-compatible hood with front and rear shock cord adjustment, Velcro cuffs, and a 2L stuff sack into which The Shell can pack itself.
Weighing, at the most, 5.74oz in size XL, The Shell can be yours for $549 from Hyperlite’s website, but you should get out your wallets now because they’re likely to go quickly.