Snow Peak’s array of outdoor cooking appliances outweighs the majority of brands, be that from a quality or quantity standpoint. The heritage brand is now adding to its robust catalog once again, embracing its Japanese roots with the new Teppanyaki Burner.
The modular stove comes equipped with a removable iron plate, stainless steel stove, and cartridge guard. It is powered by iso-butane and impressively easy to operate. Simply place the iron plate on the stove, put the cartridge guard on the base, then attach the fuel canister, and let it go to work. Moreover, the Teppanyaki Burner is also very easy to clean, as all you need to do is remove the iron plate and scrub with mild soap and cold water, then it’ll look as good as new.
The new appliance is compatible with pots measuring between 7 and 10 inches in diameter and is the perfect size to tote with you on your next camping trip as it weighs a mere 11 pounds with dimensions of 14” long, 3.5” tall, and just under 13” wide. For your convenience, it comes equipped with a handy bag to carry it in, too.
If your next adventure could use an authentic hibachi experience, you can always trust Snow Peak to deliver. The Teppanyaki Burner is available on the brand’s online shop now for $250.