Back in March of 1951, a comic strip about a young mischief-making boy out of Witchita, Kansas began its first publishing run syndicated across 16 newspapers in the USA. Called Dennis The Menace, the series was a near-instantaneous hit and would actually end up becoming a TV show, a movie, and would go on to inspire later writers and characters — including, perhaps unsurprisingly, Matt Groening’s Bart Simpson. Curiously, however, another comic strip — also called Dennis The Menace and also started in March of 1951 — began its own publishing run across the pond in the UK and would similarly garner generational popularity amongst its readers. The similarities don’t stop there, either’ both characters are relatively young boys, they both wear stripes, and they’re both known for causing trouble — albeit the UK version is admittedly a much more active problem child. What might be the most interesting part of the story is that they were both created 100% independent of one another, with the US version based on the creator’s son and the UK’s version inspired by a music hall song’s chorus. At any rate, this week’s everyday carry pocket dump is perfectly suited to either version, though we admit to having based it on the more familiar US version.
Victorinox Cadet Swiss Army Knife
One of the purest expressions of the historical Swiss Army Knife, Victorinox’s Cadet is a relatively simple take on the iconic folding multi-tool, but still boasts plenty of usefulness. That includes nine built-in functions that range from a blade to a bottle opener and so much more. This version also comes with durable Alox scales and is still compact enough that you could attach it to your keychain.
Hella Slingshot
A grown-up, refined take on everyone’s favorite mischief-making childhood tool, the Hella Slingshot is made in the USA from genuine forked tree branches, comes equipped with a leather pouch and natural latex bands, and boasts a beautiful paint job. And while you could use it to cause trouble, it’s actually a fairly formidable outdoor tool in the hands of a survivalist.
Shinola Radio Flyer Detrola Watch
Based on one of the most timeless and iconic children’s toys, the Radio Flyer red wagon, this take on Shinola’s Detrola watch is equal parts a nostalgia bomb and a beautifully subtle style piece that will add a pop of color to any outfit. Along with the co-branding, the watch also boasts an Argonite 705 quartz movement, a TR90 resin case anchored to a stainless steel core, and comes with a silicone strap.