Despite popular belief, not every bag has to be a backpack in order to be helpful when lugging around your gear. In fact, there are plenty of times when a traditionally handled tote bag is optimal for tossing in everything you need for your hike or day trip. Likewise, it can be easier to sort through when you’re trying to find something quickly.

When it comes to finding the right tote bag for your dayventure, Cotopaxi has you covered with its Allpa Gear Hauler Tote, which holds up to 60L of gear, from climbing equipment to a change of clothes to a bike helmet, all strapped down with adjustable compression harnesses. While the outside features an additional zippered pocket, the interior sports several mesh compartments for added organization.

Made from 1,000D TPU-coated polyester with 840D ballistic nylon paneling, the bag will survive anything you throw at it and sports a secondary handle for carrying on your shoulder. For added versatility, the exterior grab handles are perfect for either anchoring the bag down or attaching an additional pouch via a carabiner.

Available in four colorways, Cotopaxi’s Allpa 60L Gear Hauler Tote is available now from REI’s web store for $100.