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BruMate’s New Water Bottle Has a Patented Built-In Straw That Twists Open

BruMate Rotera Water Bottles 0 Hero
Photos: BruMate

Reusable water bottles are seeing an increase in popularity for many reasons; as people grow more environmentally conscious and the technology used to make them becomes more convenient, it’s hard to find the downsides. And with features like insulation and anti-leaking, now is a great time to consider one. But entrepreneur Dylan Jacob wasn’t satisfied with the current selection of water bottles, drinkware, and coolers, so he decided to do it himself and started BruMate, with the first round of products coming out in 2016. Since many of the brand’s products are designed to keep your adult drinks cool, you can trust that the quality of life features in BruMate’s products translate to other uses as well. Especially now that BruMate’s Rotera is out, an insulated water bottle, and a Red Dot Design Award winner, which makes it a certifiably outstanding product.

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Photo: BruMate

Starting at the top of this leakproof bottle, we have BruMate’s patent-pending TwistSip Technology on full display, which allows you to raise the straw without your hands getting it dirty by twisting the side of the lid. This stainless steel straw is especially useful as it’s easy to clean, and you don’t want plastic sitting in your drink all day long. Especially since this water bottle can keep your drinks ice cold for up to 24 hours. Additionally, there’s a soft touch handle that makes carrying easier, especially if you have a hot beverage.

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Photo: BruMate

As for the sizes available, the BruMate Rotera water bottles come in 15oz, 25oz, 35oz, and 65oz options. Adding to the options, you can also swap the silicone sleeve that protects the bottle from damage, allowing you to customize the bottle to your liking.

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Photo: BruMate

The BruMate Rotera insulated water bottles are available now, starting at $30 for the 15oz bottle and getting up to $65 for the 65oz bottle.