Gearing up for these mid-to-late autumn months can be tricky. The snow hasn’t quite started to fall in most areas and the weather fluctuates more than the gas prices. To keep you always at the ready with whatever Mother Nature has in store, REI keeps its website stocked up with the finest outdoor gear available. For this month’s Scoured guide, we’ve assembled some useful goods while favoring blue and khaki colorways.
Fisher Space Stowaway Pen
Measuring under 4” when closed, this EDC pen is built with a tungsten carbide ballpoint and pressurized cartridge that houses viscoelastic ink for writing in almost any condition, including underwater and extreme cold and heat. The stowaway design makes this optimal for when inspiration strikes on outdoor adventures or when surrounded by nature.
Gerber Flatiron Cleaver Fine-Edge Knife
Gerber does a great job providing quality outdoor knives at a fair price. Sporting attractive blue micarta scales, this Flatiron Cleaver is striking at first glance and balances both form and function well. Additionally, the durable handle is curved to protect your knuckles from the board as the 3.6-inch D2 straight-edge steel blade slices through your meat and vegetables.
United By Blue (Re)active Convertible Crossbody Bag
Built with bluesign- and OEKO-TEX-certified recycled nylon and polyester, this (Re)active crossbody bag from United By Blue is meant for lighter travel and shorter day hikes. Holding up to 1L of gear protected with its water-resistant materials, this compact pack can be worn across the shoulder or as a fanny pack.
Outdoor Research StormTracker Gloves
As the weather cools down and the rain begins to fall, it’s a good idea to invest in a quality pair of gloves. Moisture-wicking and quick-drying, the StormTracker from Outdoor Research will do the job whether you’re ice climbing or skiing. The water-resistant nylon construction provides a lightweight option with a soft leather palm for added comfort.
Danner South Rim 600 Hiking Shoes
Not all of Danner’s boots are meant for the construction site. Sporting a lower profile and breathable ventilation technology, these South Rim 600 hiking shoes are some of the sturdiest options for the trail, built with Vibram SPE midsoles for spring and Vibram Fuga outsoles with self-adapting lugs and Megagrip for traction. However, the suede two-tone uppers also give these shoes enough stylistic versatility to wear around town.
Patagonia Nano Puff Jacket
Sporting a quilted pattern that helps support the PrimaLoft Gold Insulation Eco insulation, this Nano Puff Jacket from patagonia is the perfect choice for a casual weekend in the snow but can also double as a go-to winter travel coat. Made from 100% recycled ripstop polyester, the jacket sheds moisture and is bluesign-approved.
Julbo Shield Sunglasses
Julbo’s Shield sunglasses are built for the most active wearer, with frames that curve at the temples so they stay on even when you’re running or biking over rough terrain. Lightweight, shock absorbent, and equipped with 100% UV protection, the understated silhouette also adds a subtle but not too aggressive piece to your ensemble even off the trail.
Minimizing load while increasing versatility, MYSTERY RANCH’S range of mil-spec tactical bags is simply among the best you can find whether you’re hiking or doing some light travel. The company’s Blitz 30 Pack sports a trio of pockets that are lined with a plethora of PALS webbing for attaching gear on the outside, while the inside of the main pocket sports a 15-inch floating laptop sleeve with a convenient zippered access slot on the side.
LifeSaver Jerrycan 20000UF Water Purifier
You don’t want to take any chances when it comes to lack of hydration when living off the grid. LifeSaver’s 18.5L Jerrycan can save your butt when you run out of your water supply and need to replenish at the nearest lake or stream. Eliminating 99.99% of bacteria and viruses, this large canteen can be used over 1,000 times before needing to replace the filter, and the BPA- and BPS-free plastic housing meets the standards of the U.S. Army Health Center.
Garmin Instinct 2 Solar GPS Watch
Garmin stays atop the smartwatch game for a reason. This Instinct 2 multisport watch boasts a plethora of features that will accommodate even the most active wearer, whether you’re into skiing, running, golfing, swimming, or anything in between. It also features some of the best GPS capabilities on the market and upwards of 48 hours of battery life with solar power, all housed inside an insanely rugged, fiber-reinforced polymer case.
Scoured: The Best Outdoor Gear on REI for October 2022
Check out these black and orange goods from last month’s guide to the best outdoor gear from REI.