Since most public gatherings, especially in larger cities, are being strictly limited if not banned altogether, many of the remaining activities we can all still partake in take place in the great outdoors. And while that might spell bad news for die-hard city slickers, those with a taste for adventure and a love of nature are likely to flourish.
Unfortunately, getting the latest-and-greatest in hiking, camping, hunting, and other outdoor gear can get pretty expensive quickly. However, that doesn’t mean some of it can’t be managed on a budget. In fact, if you’re looking for gifts for lovers of all things outdoor, you’ll find a bevy of tremendous offerings on our following collection of gear that falls under the $50 barrier — proving once and for all that you can still adventure on the cheap.
Filson x Rite in the Rain Large Bound Book
Inspiration doesn’t wait for the right time. Rather, it often strikes without warning. And if you’re out in the field and it’s pouring down rain, you’ll be thankful when you have something that can withstand the elements enough to get that brilliant idea down on paper. That’s exactly where the Filson x Rite in the Rain notebook you see here shines. It has 80 waterproof pages, it’s recyclable, and it’s perfect for all things related to outdoor adventure. Don’t go into the wilderness without one (and a trusty all-weather pen to go with it).
LifeStraw Personal Water Filter
Never underestimate the value of drinkable water, especially in the great outdoors. While you might bring along a jug or two, it’s also a good idea to have a personal water filter, should anything go awry. And there might not be a better solution therein than the LifeStraw — which can filter 99.9% of all particulates, bacteria, etc. from up to 1,000 gallons of most water sources. Yes, even stagnant ones.
Stanley Classic Flask
While you don’t have to indulge in strong spirits while out on a camping trip, it can be quite enjoyable. And it’s fairly easily managed wherever you’re headed with Stanley’s nigh-indestructible Classic Flask. It’s available in a number of colorways, has a connected no-leak cap, and it comes with a lifetime warranty.
Soto Pocket Torch
With the Soto Pocket Torch, all you have to do is insert a disposable lighter — the kind you get at gas stations — and you’ll instantly be granted access to a windproof, 2,300-degree flame for all your outdoor fire starting needs. Better still, it will increase the life of your lighter by up to 60%, saving you money and making it all the more efficient.
Patagonia Ultralight Black Hole Mini Hip Pack
Especially if you have a penchant for speed hiking, a compact hip pack might be a better day pack than something with shoulder straps. And they don’t get much more outdoor-friendly and impressive than the Patagonia Black Hole Mini. This sling bag is waterproof, ultralight, durable as hell, and still has a liter of room for all your small, must-have gear — like your phone, keys, wallet, sunscreen, a snack, etc.
YETI Rambler Bottle
Whether you want to keep your water cold or your soup hot, there are few portable, packable containers quite as adept as the YETI Rambler Bottle. This handy storage device has a leakproof screw cap that doubles as a cup, it can hold up to 12 oz of liquid, it’s dishwasher safe, and it will keep whatever you put inside it either warm or ice-cold for hours on end.
MecArmy CMP-2 Keychain Compass
Smartphones and smartwatches — especially hiking-focused ones — can be invaluable in the great outdoors. But they do sometimes run out of battery. It’s during these times you’ll be thankful to have a non-electronic keychain compass, like MecArmy’s CMP-2, at your disposal. That way, even without GPS, you can find your way back to civilization without too much trouble.
Good + Well Supply Co. Candles
If you’re looking for a way to bring the outdoors indoors, the scented candles from Good + Well Supply Co. is a pretty great way to do that. They offer an array of adventure-inspired scents, but the best of them are probably the National Parks candles — designed to capture the feeling of being in places like Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, Denali, and more through carefully crafted scents.
Pelican Go G40 Case
Large enough to fit all your everyday carry gear inside (including your smartphone), but small enough that you could still palm it or stash it in a bag somewhere, Pelican’s Go G40 Case is an ideal waterproof ruggedized storage capsule for anything that absolutely needs protection in the great outdoors — whether that’s from water damage, impacts, dirt and dust, or otherwise.
Filson Dry Bag
Whether you need to ford a river or just protect some dry goods from inclement weather, Filson’s packable Dry Bag has got you covered. It’s light, high-vis, ultra-durable, and waterproof — making it the best place to stash things like food, electronics, or it can even stash wet clothes to help keep the rest of the gear in your pack dry.
Leatherman FREE T2 Multi-Tool
Designed to be as compact and carry-friendly as possible, the Leatherman FREE T2 multi-tool is a superb multifunctional device to keep on your person at any time — including while out on the trails. It boasts simple folding knife-like functionality, boasts 8+ useful tool inserts (including a 420HC knife blade), and it comes with Leatherman’s 25-year guarantee.
MSR PocketRocket Camping Stove
Having a hot, homecooked meal is difficult but not impossible to manage in the great outdoors. But it’s a whole lot simpler if you have the ultralight MSR PocketRocket Camping Stove in your kit. It weighs just 2.6 ounces, runs on Iso-Pro fuel canisters (which are both cheap and easy to find), can boil a liter of water in under 3.5 minutes, and packs down easy for storage between uses.
BioLite HeadLamp 200
If you ever needed a flashlight and both your hands at the same time, you probably finally understood the value of a headlamp. And that likelihood is increased especially in the great outdoors where there isn’t electricity for streetlights and such. But if you use the hand-free, ultralight, comfortable 200-lumen Headlamp 200 from BioLite, then you’ll have no trouble at all in that regard.
Buck Knives 110 Hunter
One of the most legendary folding knives of all time, the Buck 110 Hunter was literally made for field dressing game without taking up too much space. This version boasts a brass and ebony wood handle, the iconic 420HC clip point blade, and a sturdy back lock for security in use. Not to mention, it’s backed by the brand’s lifetime warranty — making it perfect for both EDC and outdoor usage.
Husqvarna Camp Hatchet
For chopping up kindling and timber, building survival shelters, and even as a last-ditch self-defense tool out in the wilds, a camp hatchet is a pretty unbeatable tool. That goes double for this one from Husqvarna with its hand-forged Swedish steel head and hickory handle. Yet, for all its chopping power, it’s still small enough to fit in your average hiking backpack.
Nemo Equipment Fillo Luxury Camp Pillow
Even sleeping bags that have built-in pillows don’t offer much in the way of head and neck support. However, if you want to get the kind of support and comfort offered by a legitimate bedroom pillow but in a more packable form, that’s what you’ll find in the Nemo Equipment Fillo Luxury Camp Pillow. It inflates in seconds; is good for back, side, and stomach sleepers; it packs down to the size of a grapefruit; and its ultra-soft cover is machine washable.
The Wishlist: 20 Best Gifts For The Outdoorsman

If your budget extends beyond the confines of $50, you’re in luck. We have a much wider range of price options for superb camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, etc. gear ready for this holiday season on our guide to the best outdoorsman gifts.