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The DUOBO Is a Space-Inspired Coffee Machine That Brews Two Pods Simultaneously

LG Labs DUOBO 0 Hero
Photos: LG Labs

Coffee lovers know just how vital that first sip in the morning is (and getting it down quickly), and now that the scene is bursting with faster methods to brew, it can be hard to deny the convenience of certain systems. The pod system, although pretty wasteful, is super convenient, and every coffee fan (purist or not) has been guilty of either owning a machine or reluctantly enjoying a cup from one. Modern coffee machines have proven that the pod technology still has some room to grow, and LG Labs is here to clarify that with the DUOBO, a dual-pod coffee machine that looks more like a space probe than a coffee maker. 

Photo: LG Labs

Not only is this the first pod system machine that can brew two cups at once, but it’s also compatible with any standard-sized pod (unlike other machines, which may only use in-house pods). A computer controls a three-way valve system that extracts the coffee with the customizations you’ve set; this system, along with the two pods, allows you to mix and match flavors and customize temperatures to personalize your coffee-drinking experience. The HD display has the usual settings to make your coffee, but it also has fun visuals playing while it’s brewing to spice things up. And if you’re interested in how to blend your coffees, you can consult the recipes from professional baristas that the team has curated.

Photo: LG Labs

This high-tech look isn’t just for appearances, however, because you can utilize the accompanying app to adjust the settings. With a single button, you can start brewing your coffee, or schedule it to be made at a later time, all from your smartphone. 

Photo: LG Labs

The DUOBO by LG Labs is currently being backed on Kickstarter (and nearly $100k past its $5k goal), and will retail for $799 once the project is finished on September 18th. Deliveries are expected to arrive in December, and the current early bird specials are offering up to 50% off.