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gestalten Unveils Its Upcoming Coffee Table Book About Craft Beer Design

To say the popularity of craft beer has taken off over the last 20 years would be an understatement. What were once local favorites can now be found in brewpubs and liquor stores all over the world. However, these microbrews have not only thrived on their superior quality and taste, but also because they’ve often had to utilize some of the best label designs out there to garner any sort of recognition from outsiders.

Now, celebrating craft beer and the typical grassroots advertising that goes into them, boutique book publisher gestalten is releasing Craft Beer Design: The Design, Illustration and Branding of Contemporary Breweries, which is filled with stories, interviews, and imagery from 49 different brands across the globe, all utilizing the delicious photography of Danish graphic designer Peter Monrad.

gestalten recognizes how important the art on the label is to our drinking experience, tuning us in to the identity of the beer we’re either discovering for the first time or revisiting for the hundredth. The New York-based publishing company is simply one of the best out there at tying together subjects and the evocative imagery that makes us want to embrace them.

An essential addition to any beer lover’s coffee table, Craft Beer Design is both a visual treat and a great conversation starter. This 208-page reference book is the perfect companion piece to gestalten’s other recent release, Spill the Beans, a history of coffee and coffee culture around the world. Craft Beer Design is currently available for pre-order on gestalten’s online store and is scheduled for release on April 26.

Purchase: $40