Regardless of James Bond’s personal preference, martinis should be stirred instead of shaken. Expert bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts alike will agree that shaking your gin (or vodka if you’d prefer) and vermouth together with ice can increase the dilution of your drink due to ice breaking and melting faster. Likewise, stirring yields a more desirable texture on the palate. Recognizing the purist’s way of making martinis, design and engineering firm Callum has come up with a device that does so at the perfect rate.

In partnership with British Airways, watchmaker Bremont, and renowned mixologist Mr Lyan, the British firm has crafted the eponymous Martini Mixer, which aims to make the perfect concoction every time. In just 15 seconds, the unit uses a precise motorized stirring motion to propel a specially designed hollow stainless steel mixing paddle that rotates between 120 and 160rpm (depending on the size of the ice cubes) — determined by Mr Lyan to be the perfect speed for martini stirring to balance aeration, dilution, and cooling.

Perfectly combining form and function, the aviation-inspired cylindrical housing of the Martini Mixer is as sleek as it is well-engineered. It’s constructed of food-grade 316 stainless steel that surrounds a borosilicate glass vessel that’s thermal shock-resistant. To help you view your cocktail being mixed, an internal LED light gets turned on during the stirring process. Controlled via a unit on top of the chamber, the device is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery which runs for about 120 minutes in total — enough to make around 500 martinis.

Currently being used at the Concorde Room in London Heathrow Airport, the Martini Mixer will also soon be available to home bartenders. However, it won’t come cheap. Callum is setting the price at £2,995 (~$3,768), which is a steep price for any mixology tool or accessory. Head over to the company’s website to reserve your own.