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Sony Uses Innovative Tech to Help the Visually Impaired Take Photographs with a Camera

Sony Retina Projection Camera kit 0 Hero
Photo: Sony

As technology races towards placing 16K TVs and 8K projectors in our homes, many would argue that the point is actually moot. Can the average eyes or brain even tell the difference in resolution at the distance we sit from our screens? For about 250 million low-vision people, it doesn’t really matter at all, be it 4K, 8K, or otherwise. Now, Sony has a new innovative product that sets out to change all that.

Sony Retina Projection Camera kit 1
Photo: Sony

While countless companies are increasing the performance and functionality of their cameras, Sony is finding ways for those with vision impairments to actually be able to see clearly and be creative in the process. Recently, the Japanese brand has tapped QD Laser’s RETISSA NEOVIEWER retinal projector to create a viewfinder kit that pairs with its compact DSC-HX99 camera model so that individuals with poor eyesight can have a chance to express themselves with the photography medium. The technology was developed by QD Laser as part of the “With My Eyes” project, which has now brought the tech giant on board as an active partner as well. In the future, Sony plans on teaming up with schools for the blind in both the U.S. and Japan.

Sony Retina Projection Camera kit 2
Photo: Sony

The science behind the tech is a little esoteric, but essentially the RETISSA NEOVIEWER projects a very weak laser directly onto the viewer’s retina by passing through the pupil, allowing them to not only see their surroundings clearly in full color but to take pictures and even videos with the camera. Additionally, the viewfinder works with the camera’s zoom function to magnify images up to 30x (24-720mm) in order to see objects that are far away. In order to make this unit more accessible, Sony is putting a cap of one unit per customer and, more importantly, eating some of the cost itself by offering it at a lower price than the suggested retail of a standard DSC-HX99 model.

Sony Retina Projection Camera kit 3
Photo: Sony

It’s important to note that, depending on your optical condition, the RETISSA NEOVIEWER may not work for you. The DSC-HX99 RNV Retina Projection Camera Kit will be available this summer from Sony’s website and will be priced at $600.