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Analogue Is Doing One More Production Run of Its Mega SG and Super NT Consoles

Photo: Analogue

Analogue has announced it will be wheeling out a final production run of its famous Mega SG and Super NT consoles. As it sits on the heels of releasing its long-anticipated Duo, the tech brand offers one last opportunity to pick up its sleek reimaginings of the SNES and Sega Genesis.

Photo: Analogue

Upon hitting the scene in the late-aughts, these unique consoles provided the most upgraded, retro-gaming experience possible. Much of this innovation was in part to the SG’s and NT’s 1080p/60fps capability, which is still a virtually unfathomable upgrade compared to playing Super Mario Bros. 3 on an old box television. Note that if you do plan on ordering one, no model comes equipped with a controller, as they are sold separately for $30.

Photo: Analogue

In addition to the previously mentioned Duo, which is expected to be the brand’s modernized take on the TurboGrafx, Analgoue will continue to sell its Pocket, the iPhone-adjacent spin on the GameBoy. But, in case you live under a Rock, odds are you heard that Nintendo is bringing classic Game Boy and Game Boy Advance titles to its Switch Online platform. While that’s great and all, some old-school gamers are looking for something a bit more nostalgic than that, which is where Analogue has consistently come into play.

Photo: Analogue

The Super NT and Sega GS are both available to pre-order on Analagoue’s website today for $200. They are expected to ship out later this year.