Adventure is surely one thing you’ll find near the ocean floor, but what about a private cocktail party? In all sincerity, the nautical design masterminds over at Triton have developed a submersible to make this wildly luxurious dream a reality. Introducing the 660 AVA, a submersible tailored to your most lavish needs, be it a private dinner or a wedding.
Following the reveal of their grandiose 13000/2 submersible at the onset of this year, the AVA looks to serve as a tremendous follow-up, equipped with a literal boatload of potential amenities. With enough room to fit up to eight adults, this 9-foot-long and 14-foot-wide sea machine can be catered to you in the form of an intimate wedding, a cocktail bar, aquatic-themed poker night, or dinner and a view — the view, of course, being the vast wonders of the ocean. Capable of enduring up to 12 hours out in the open sea, Triton’s new submersible would undoubtedly be the most memorable party venue for anyone granted the opportunity to hop on board. From an operative standpoint, the AVA also boasts quad 5.5kW thrusters and is controlled by a relatively user-friendly, state-of-the-art joystick and touch screen, which they’ve labeled the Hammerhead Controller.
Those interested in hosting their holiday party on one of these decadent watercraft may not have enough time to get their plans in order so soon, but Triton has begun taking inquiries regarding their new 660 AVA on their website.