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De Tomaso’s $3 Million P900 Hypercar Delivers 900HP

Photo: De Tomaso

With all the new electric hypercars coming out in recent months, it feels like a true rarity that the newest unveiling doesn’t run on batteries, but gas.

Photo: De Tomaso

Of course, the new P900 from Italian marque De Tomaso is meant for the race track only, packing a 6.2L V12 engine capable of 900hp and revving up to a ridiculous 12,300rpm. Additionally, an Xtrac sequential gearbox sends those numbers directly to the rear wheels. Known for its already-staggering P72, which should begin production by the end of the year, De Tomaso promises that the P900 engine is the lightest and smallest V12 of all time at just 485lbs. What’s more, it’s placed inside a curvaceous carbon fiber body for a total weight of just 1,984lbs.

Photo: De Tomaso

If you want a P900 for yourself, you’ll need $3 million and a hasty trigger finger, since only 18 examples are being delivered in total. You’ll also need a little bit of patience as the company says the vehicle won’t be available until the end of 2024, which may be a liberal estimate at best considering the P72, which was announced back in 2019, has yet to be delivered.

Photo: De Tomaso

If you’re interested in purchasing a P900 for yourself, head over to De Tomaso’s website and fill out an interest registry form.