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TesFridge is a Portable Freezer for Tesla Sub-Trunks

Tesla Trunk Refrigerator 0 Hero
Photos: AcoPower

Now that it seems like everyone has a Tesla these days (or at least wants to try cheetah mode), custom gear explicitly built for Teslas is becoming an interesting market to watch. We have seen things like carbon fiber wraps and full-body kits, but we’re still very much in the early days of Tesla (the Roadster only came out in 2008). So it’s exciting to see products like AcoPower’s TesFridge (a brand known for electric and solar-powered fridges), which is shaping up to be the world’s first portable freezer built specifically for Tesla (Model 3, Model Y, and Model X) sub-trunks – and it fits perfectly.

Tesla Trunk Refrigerator 1
Photo: AcoPower

With the TesFridge, you don’t have to sacrifice space or time to keep your food and drinks cold. All three models of the fridge (T-20, T35, and T-36) have been built specifically for the lower compartment of Tesla trunks, and work with the Model Y’s trunk socket and the Model 3’s front socket, along with portable batteries and solar charging. They’re built with a high-quality cooling compressor that gets to -4°F in just thirty minutes, which is contained with the help of 45mm thick insulation. The hollow design also contributes to maintaining the correct temperature, as it allows heat to dissipate, making for better temperature regulation.

Tesla Trunk Refrigerator 2
Photo: AcoPower

As for the controls, you have an LED display on the top to make adjustments, toggle power, and view the temperature. There’s also a convenient mobile app that allows you to make changes and view this info on your smartphone.

Tesla Trunk Refrigerator 3
Photo: AcoPower

AcoPower’s TesFridge project on Kickstarter will be fully funded (and then some) on July 20th. Early bird specials can get you a nice discount, but the 20L (Model 3) fridge will be $599, the 35L (Model Y) fridge will be $699, and the 36L (Model X) fridge will be $799.