As the shoulder months approach, outdoor adventurers are gearing up to tackle nature and enjoy some camping and hiking. But if you want to be safe (and plan on undertaking any serious excursions), you need to be equipped with the right gear. Since 2008, the husband and wife duo Jason (a former Green Beret) and Emily McCarthy over at GORUCK have been crafting rugged outdoor packs inspired by the U.S. Special Forces that are built and tested for quality you can trust your life with. Taylor Stitch has a similar design philosophy that values apparel built to last, with a dedication to sustainability and giving back to the community (much like GORUCK does with its own events). The pair may seem like an unlikely duo at first, but given their similarities and the recent drop of the Taylor Stitch x GORUCK The Hard Road Loadout, it’s clear that they make the perfect team.

Starting off with the clothes, we have The Merino Half Zip, which makes for the perfect layer and is naturally quick-drying and antimicrobial. A bit of nylon in the material blend adds some stretch and makes the top more versatile and abrasion-resistant. The Challenge Cargo Short is even more abrasion-resistant and dries quickly thanks to the moisture-wicking ToughDry fabric. The Merino Base Layer Tee is soft, simple, and features the same material blend as the half-zip, so you’re benefiting from the same natural Merino wool properties. Also featuring the ToughDry fabric, The Deploy Packable Shell is a rugged outer layer perfect for the trails, with a packable design for easy carrying.

Moving away from the clothes, this capsule also includes The Performance TAC Hat with a velcro patch featuring the collaborative logo found on the rest of the gear. Last but certainly not least, The rainproof GR1 USA pack was personally developed by Halley Stevensons (a legendary manufacturer that’s been making weatherproof fabric since 1864) and features padded shoulder straps, a bombproof laptop compartment, multiple compartments, and it’s made in the USA.

The Hard Road Loadout from Taylor Stitch x GORUCK is available now, but only for a limited time.