For around two decades, Fishpond has built a reputation for innovation and know-how when it comes to its range of unbelievably capable outdoor gear. Built in the Colorado Rockies, the brand has crafted each waterproof bag, tactical vest, and waist pack with that same dedication, meticulously testing its products right there in one of the most treacherous regions in North America. Among its most notable pieces is the Thunderhead Sling, which isn’t just one of the most waterproof bags you’ll find but one of the most durable as well.

Capable of being fully submerged underwater, the Thunderhead Sling is perfect for rainy-day hikes, fishing excursions, and even urban commuting. With a 13-liter capacity, it’s small enough that it won’t weigh you down, especially if you only need enough gear to last you for a day’s outing, and weighs just under 2lbs, so you can even stuff this inside a bigger bag to have at the ready on longer trips. And if you’re planning on wearing the bag all day, the lightweight foam shoulder strap and back panel should help alleviate any discomfort.

As for its construction, it features a virtually-indestructible 900D TPU-coated fabric called NewStream, which is made of 100% recycled single-use plastic water bottles. Fully waterproof, the material is then sealed with a TRU Zip zipper closure, which doesn’t just permit any moisture from getting inside but is given a sizable pull tab that makes it easy to unzip even if your hands are wet or you’re wearing gloves. There’s also a removable interior zippered pocket and a small front pocket for the gear you need to access much quicker, sporting a water-resistant zipper closure. For any carabiners or extra gear you need to hook on, there are plenty of Hypalon tabs and VELCRO attachment points throughout the bag — not just all jumbled together in one spot like some other packs.

If you’re planning on venturing into unpredictable conditions or weather, get yourself Fishpond’s Thunderhead Sling, which is available for $250 on Huckberry’s web store.