When venturing out into the wilderness, keeping things lightweight is about as important as anything else. One of the leading purveyors of outdoor gear in this space is Big Agnes, not just for its high-quality and durable equipment, but for how it has maintained a dedication toward lessening the impact of said gear on our bodies. Still, over the course of its 20-year history, the Colorado-based company has yet to come out with its own line of backpacks… until now.
Big Agnes has unveiled its new collection of backpacks, which range from its 20L Impassable to its large 63L Parkview, built upon the belief that the pack itself shouldn’t weigh more than the gear inside. The two daypack options — the Impassable and the 32L Ditch Rider — range from just 1.5lbs to 2lbs, while the 50L Prospector overnight pack comes in at just over 3lbs and the multi-day Parkview pack at just 4lbs. Each bag is made from GRS-certified recycled Mipan regen robic nylon for high tenacity, built with a solution-dyed ripstop grid and nylon taffeta lining.
Eliminating gaps between the pack and the body, each model comes equipped with several points of adjustability and articulation for maximum comfort and support, including the Open Range hip belt and — for the two larger models — the Load Wrangler PLUS, which allows you to configure your bag to your specific torso measurement (as per the specifications on Big Agnes’ website) for optimal weight distribution and management.
Finally, longtime fans of the brand can now finally celebrate and grab themselves what is sure to be a ubiquitous staple on the hiking trail. All four backpacks are now available on Big Agnes’ website, ranging from $150 to $300, with several color options available as well.