With the weather heating up, you may want something other than shoes to keep your feet nice and cool as you head outdoors. Sandals are the perfect option, but there are hardly any out there that can be as versatile as you want them to be. Some are great for hiking, while others are solid for life in the city. However, Huckberry had something else in mind that makes the choice a lot easier.
Straight from the Huckberry Gear Lab comes the All-Weather Basecamp Sandal, structurally and stylistically perfect whether you’re doing your weekend trek in the mountains or heading into town to run some quick errands. The flexible Vibram XS Trek outsole offers amazing traction on both low-lying riverbeds and rain-soaked sidewalks, and the 1000D CORDURA ballistic uppers ensure these shoes hold up no matter what the condition. Familiar and comfortable thanks to a cushioned EVA midsole and Lycra lining made to feel like a sneaker, the sandals fit to your liking with adjustable velcro straps to keep your feet in place.
What’s even better is the Basecamp Sandal looks great no matter what the occasion. With three versatile colorways to choose from — army green, black, and khaki — this piece of footwear will not only go with anything in your wardrobe, but won’t look out of place if you don’t have the time to go home and change before the next chapter of your day unfolds.
The Basecamp Sandal is part of Huckberry’s own in-house All-Weather Collection — which also features items such as the Chore Boot, the Duckboot, and the Ankle Boot — and is available to purchase now exclusively through Huckberry for $125.