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How Dockers & Waves For Water Are Combating The Global Water Crisis

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Life has always been about balance — with the scales tipping between the things we want versus the things we need, how much money we’re bringing in versus how much we’re spending, and (of course) taking care of ourselves versus taking care of the world around us. As time has ticked by, however, that latter concept has become more fluid and much less a line drawn in the sand. Suddenly, we’re beginning to realize that taking care of the greater environment is actually something that, in turn, helps make our lives better.

Now, more than ever, pursuing philanthropic ends is of the utmost importance — especially in regards to helping save the natural world. After all, we’re not going to make it very far ourselves if we no longer have a suitable planet on which to live. The thing is, you don’t have to ditch all your worldly belongings and start living like an asectic monk. Rather, you can pursue doing good in your life while still living comfortably. Remember, life is about balance. And that balance is at the core of the partnership between Dockers and Jon Rose’s charity, Waves For Water.

Caught In The Undertow

Inspiration From The Darkest Depths

For Jon Rose, a former professional surfer, and founder of Waves For Water, the call to action came at a time when he least expected. While returning from a surf trip in the Mentawais, his base of operations in Padang, Sumatra, was struck by a devastating 7.6 magnitude earthquake. In the wake of the disaster, Rose made the decision to contribute to the area’s relief effort, donating ten water filters to various locations within the city. Prior to this, Jon had traveled the world as a professional free surfer for a number of years, becoming intimately aware of the need for viable water filtration systems, solutions, and facilities within less privileged areas. So, amidst the floating ashes and crumbling structures of Padang’s rural communities, his true calling became reverently clear.

Following Rose’s experience in Sumatra, he set out to provide humanitarian aid in any way that he could. From the implementation of portable water filtration systems, all the way to widespread education on the harvesting and storage of rainwater, he sought to lend a helping hand to the communities that needed it most. Fitting, since his philanthropic endeavor would take on the moniker of “Waves For Water” — a multinational effort providing three million individuals in over 44 countries with access to clean, potable water solutions.

A Water-Conscious Future

The Pursuit Of Better Production Practices

Over the past ten years, Rose has made it his life’s mission to provide humanitarian relief in the most diverse way possible. A native Californian, his ability to fall into a more philanthropic role came naturally. From interactions within the environmentally-aware locales of the state’s southern counties, all the way to dialogues that had materialized during his numerous overseas stints, Jon had spent his life preparing for this one, decisive opportunity — albeit, unknowingly. “I didn’t realize it at the time,” he remarks. “But I was doing civil affairs work as a professional surfer.”

In much of the same vein, Dockers®, one of California’s most iconic clothing brands, had been contributing to the philanthropic effort in its own way. Over the past decade, the company has worked to lessen its environmental impact through the integration of its unique, Water<Less manufacturing practices. The revision, which replaces traditional means of dying and finishing with a more optimal alternative, has helped to save 73% of the water used during these complex processes. As a result, the brand has managed to shave a whopping 20 million gallons of water from the production process of the Spring of 2020 alone.

When we share a common goal, it’s natural for us to recognize, relate, and band together. That’s why Dockers® is immensely proud to announce its new, three-year partnership with Rose, as well as his humanitarian organization, Waves For Water. Channeling values that are unique to the duo, including a love for the exploration (and preservation) of nature, the pursuit of greater environmental efficiency, and the recognition of communal teamwork, both Dockers® and Waves For Water hope to serve as a voice within the industry, igniting change, promoting awareness, and fighting for a more sustainable future.

What You Can Do To Help

Answering The Humanitarian Call

To achieve their unified goal, Dockers® has pledged to begin its three-year partnership with Waves For Water by giving back. In an effort to amplify Rose’s established movement, the clothing brand has pledged to match all of Waves For Water’s filter donations on a 1:1 basis (up to sums of $50,000), helping to prevent disease, improve quality-of-life, and augment education within areas that are affected by the global water crisis. Whether you’re hoping to become more involved within downtrodden communities, or you feel that a small act of kindness can have big implications, each and every donation, large or small, is a step in the right direction.

To participate, all you have to do is lend your support via Waves For Water’s website. Every dollar that’s donated will directly influence the individuals and communities that need it most, providing a firm foundation for the expansion and evolution of clean water systems around the globe. The pursuit of a more sustainable tomorrow can be daunting, but with outfits like Dockers® and Waves For Water leading the charge, we’re certain that the future is in capable hands.

Learn More: W4W

Dockers® WaterLess® Alpha Khaki Pants

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