We all have our bucket lists. For many, they consist of traveling across the globe to destinations such as the Eiffel Tower, the Great Pyramid of Giza, or even the Taj Mahal. For others, their lists feature landmarks right here in our own backyard. Disney has recently played into the idea of bucket lists in a big way by offering an exclusive travel package that redefines the ideas of luxury and extravagance.
Adventures by Disney is a 24-day trip around the world in a VIP-configured Boeing 757 by Icelandair. Your destinations are plentiful, consisting of 31 sights in total. For the Mouse-related side of things, you and your travel companion will venture to all 12 Disney parks, which are spread out across 6 different resorts in Anaheim, Orlando, Paris, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Tokyo. You’ll also spend a day touring Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco, and Summit Skywalker Ranch in Northern California. At each place you visit, you’ll receive VIP accommodations, which included guided tours, private dinners, and nighttime spectacular viewings.
What’s more is the tour includes stops in non-Disney-related locales as well, such as the Taj Mahal, where you will set out on a tour of the mausoleum; as well as the city of Agra, Egypt, which consists of visits to the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx; plus several customizable options in the cities of Paris, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Tokyo. All in all, there are 68 meals provided for you over the course of the trip.
There are only 75 trips available in total, with bookings opening up on June 20 for previous Adventures by Disney guests, with departure dates ranging from July 9, 2023 to August 1, 2023. Trips go for $109,995 per person, with a minimum age requirement of 12. Head over to the Adventures by Disney website to find out everything about rates and itinerary.